
The Bitcoin network ledger

SI bet you know how a bank book works. Operations are recorded successively on each sheet until they are full. Once complete, it goes to the next sheet. The blockchain works in a similar way. Each block would equal one sheet of the primer. The set of these blocks is called chain or blockchain and would be equivalent to the primer.

Leif Ferreira, CEO of Bit2Me explains blockchain to you

Wait! If it's like a bank book, where's the news?

Very easy! The really ingenious thing is that this primer is the same for all users. In Bitcoin, we all share the same primer via the blockchain. And also the information of the blocks is public.

Since this account book is public, you and anyone who wants to can access it at any time of the day. This way it is very easy to verify if everything is in order with the balance of your account or the status of your transactions. You can also check if the rules of the game are followed.